Cardiac muscle physiology



Learning objectivesBy reading this article, you should be able to:•Recall the principal ion channels and currents involved in cardiac action potential.•Describe mechanisms underlying excitation-contraction coupling.•Relate structure of myofilaments to their function health disease.•Discuss metabolic pathways that provide energy for muscle contraction.Key points•Resting membrane potential arises from ionic concentration gradients across cell coupled with varying permeability each ion. Potassium has dominant influence because its high permeability.•The characteristic shape is a result distinct sodium, calcium potassium channels. Genetic variants affecting these have been linked numerous congenital arrhythmia syndromes.•Type 2 ryanodine receptor plays central role calcium-induced release activation coupling.•Abnormalities cellular handling myofilament identified as important cardiomyopathies heart failure.•An understanding remodelling energetics failure may future therapeutic options. 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عنوان ژورنال: BJA Education

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['2058-5357', '2058-5349']